Identification Marks

Gold Star:

The gold star is the main identification feature of all the fillies. Every filly with the exception of the three Royal Beauties, Tonya, Anya, and Cleo, were manufactered with a gold star on their cheek. Cliff, however, being the only stallion has the gold star on his shoulder. This was to give him a more masculine feature.

Dating and Manufacturer marks:

Every Filly has on the inside of their back leg or the inside of their front leg, is a copyright date and the mnufacturer (Kenner, KPT). There should also be a marking on the inside of their leg that says China or Made in China as well. The date is the year that the pose of that filly came out in. not neccisarily the year that type of Filly came out in. The 4 original poses came out in year 1987. The 2 new poses in the Feelin' Fancy horses came out in 1989. The Sassy Sixteen's poses came out in 1988. and Cliff's pose came out in 1989. All the other types of horses used poses from previous horses.


Some Fillies came with 1-4 factory braids in their mane, tail, or both. The factory braids were shorter than the rest of the hair and were sewn at the ends with colored thread the same color as the hair to prevent raveling.

©2000-01 The Filly Catwalk all rights reserved
FashionStar Fillies™ is a registered trade mark of Kenner Parker Toys (KPT)