Everyone always wants to know what's new around the catwalk, to make it simpler for your visits, each time a significant change or addition is made to the catwalk, the changes will be posted here so you can rush over to see what's new!!

8/28/01 FINALLY all sections have been completely transferred over to the new style!!! (it's about time right?) I've removed the chat room, the messageboard, and the memories sections, I don't believe they were popular but if demand ever wants them back I will be more than happy to replace them back on the catwalk. The Filly Catwalk will also be moving to a new location hopefully very soon!!!! YAY! no more popups!!!!! Bear with us and keep comming back, we're getting all new pictures and more and better information!!! Stay tuned! Also the wants and sale/trade sections have been updated.
4/11/01 Songstars, Specials, Closet, Accessories, Customs, and scrapbook pages have all been converted to new format. slow tedious work but it's getting there. Working on new pictures.
3/22/01 Menu has been regulated, entire format of the catwalk is being converted over to a new style. Will be in heavy construction through the next few weeks. Originals, Feelin Fancy, Mane Page, Sassy Sixteens, and What's new have been fully converted. All fillies are getting their own pages to which they will be linked from the main ID page and on their scrapbook pages will be all their info inculding desciptions and accessories. This is still being in the process of transferred over.
3/6/01 Modifications in the Originals and Feelin Fancy sections. All scrapbooks for Original and Feelin Fancy fillies have been added and linked. Experimenting with buttons in menu. May take a few days to regulate.
3/4/01 Updated Marie's want and trade list(hope to update a lot more in the next two weeks!
12/2/00 Fine tuning in the Originals, Sassy Sixteens, Feelin' Fancy, and Royal Beauties sections.
10/15/00 New Calla, Dara, Joelle, and Niki pictures in the Originals section.
10/14/00 New Lani picture added to the originals page and the descriptions were rewritten.
10/4/00 Personalized java welcome disabled (i beleive it was getting annoying). More search options added to the page engine. Customs page make over. Lady Demonsia's and Marie's trade/sell list updated.
9/9/00 New java scripting added to the front page including a personalized welcome, announcement of how many times your browser has visted the page and a SEARCH ENGINE for the Filly Catwalk, find what your looking for in a breeze! Although, that feature is still under contruction. :)
9/6/00 Marie's trade/sell list updated
8/31/00 Sarena and Ariel scrapbooks hooked up and ready for viewing!
8/29/00 Josselyn's scrapbook link added in the special section
8/21/00 Group pictures added to the Songstar teens and Sassy Sixteen sections
8/15/00 Jennifer's Want list added on page two of the want lists.
8/11/00 Lady Demonsia trade list updated, Lady Demonsia and Michelle's want lists updated, and SCORCHET's want list added
8/6/00 Tonya picture updated in the Royal Beauty section.
7/31/2000 Marie's want list updated
7/29/2000 Bobbi picture fixed and Jolene picture added in the SongStar Sixteen section. Broken e-mail link fixed on the opening page.
7/24/2000 New pictures added of sarena and ariel in the Sassy Sixteens section. Also added group photo of the scented teens in corresponding section.

©2000-01 The Filly Catwalk all rights reserved
FashionStar Fillies™ is a registered trade mark of Kenner Parker Toys (KPT)